Friday, June 13, 2008


Day 845 - Friday!

Greetings, Bloggy Darlings!

I was already on the computer researching a problem at work (turned out to be a non-problem) so I'll write a quick blog and then go get ready for work.

Yes, I've used this photo once before, but it is so priceless I have to post it again.

It's Friday - you know what to do, march in a circle chanting 'Fri-day! Fri-day! Fri-day!'

Charlie's bee sting puffiness is substantially better this morning, but still not 'all better'.

That was a very bad bee with some very potent venom.

This morning I picked a tick off Charlie's leg - he is attracting all sorts of trouble, isn't he?

Gotta go - sorry for the short blog - Happy Friday and Happy Fathers Day weekend!

Hey! I know why I had a phantom issue this morning - it's Friday the 13th! Be careful today!

Good morning Karen, have a nice day at work. Thanks for checking out the article I emailed you about, everybody. The ladies are a nice bunch, ranging in age from about 20 to 75. It'll be a fun concert.
Marcia, do you join in the singing?

Charlie, now I feel bad for making a joke about your bee sting!Sorry! And now a tick, too. It's because you're so sweet Charlie everything is attracted to you!

Happy Friday the 13th! My lucky number.

What a wonderful Father's Day for Savannah's daddy!
The perfect picture of SaviLynn ready to celebrate Father's Day! Happy Father's Day everyone! Yes, Marcia, I so much enjoyed the article and the picture, and know the concert will be amazingly good! Our sympathy to Charlie, again! Have a good weekend everyone!
Just a quick hello. busy day!
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