Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Day 842 - Twofer Tuesday

Greetings, Twofer Tuesdayers!
Look at darling Miss Savannah in her red and white sailor suit! Adorable!
Heather - she is just too cute. Mail her to me!
I made it through Monday and left work on time. I went to the health club for a swim in the outdoor pool. The water temperature outside is very warm now after all these days in the 90's.
I saw something new yesterday - a 'Polo' brand Baby Bear beach towel for a KID - nothing like a $50 (or more) towel to dry your wet little darling.
Speaking of hot - it is 6am and the air conditioning just kicked on. Hot Hot Hot.
Not much else going on - Charlie and his brother are going to fix a loose shingle on the roof this morning. Be careful! No decisions yet on a new riding mower.
Stay tuned for more exciting news (yawn) from the home front!
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Haha! Isn't she the cutest?? She's starting to figure out how to roll over now and she's so amused with herself when she does it...cute!!!
Busy day today, have a good tuesday!
Busy day today, have a good tuesday!
I have Savi today!!! My first day to babysit.
It is SO hot out, so airless. Nice and cool indoors. Air conditionig in every room. Perfect.
Not much to tell, this heat makes everyone sluggish.
I saw the flick on the early show about the cell phones popping the kernals of corn. Anybody see it? They tried to reproduce the same effect, but they had their phones, which were not the same phones, they had them at a different angle, (stupid) and the kernals did not pop. Any microwaves would have been directed OVER the kernals anyway, the way they had them slanted up on an inverted plate. So they all gave up and said, no doesn't work, just a sham.
Who knows. It is on the internet now. I won't watch it again, because now the controversy is on. The big attention grabber. The fact is, warnings have been sounded about microwaves since the 1970's. That was when I first remember reading about the levels of microwaves in the general vicinity of us humans. PRE microwave ovens in every home, PRE cell phones.
Brave new world. What can I say?
I know this baby will brighten my day for sure.
It is SO hot out, so airless. Nice and cool indoors. Air conditionig in every room. Perfect.
Not much to tell, this heat makes everyone sluggish.
I saw the flick on the early show about the cell phones popping the kernals of corn. Anybody see it? They tried to reproduce the same effect, but they had their phones, which were not the same phones, they had them at a different angle, (stupid) and the kernals did not pop. Any microwaves would have been directed OVER the kernals anyway, the way they had them slanted up on an inverted plate. So they all gave up and said, no doesn't work, just a sham.
Who knows. It is on the internet now. I won't watch it again, because now the controversy is on. The big attention grabber. The fact is, warnings have been sounded about microwaves since the 1970's. That was when I first remember reading about the levels of microwaves in the general vicinity of us humans. PRE microwave ovens in every home, PRE cell phones.
Brave new world. What can I say?
I know this baby will brighten my day for sure.
Savannah is adorable in anything but that outfit is great. Now she needs a Celtics shirt!
A big cheer for the Celtics and forget that microwave, Lyn! On that subject, did you know cousin Cathy is the radiation safety officer at a hospital in Charlottesville, NC?
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A big cheer for the Celtics and forget that microwave, Lyn! On that subject, did you know cousin Cathy is the radiation safety officer at a hospital in Charlottesville, NC?
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