Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Day 828 - Cute! Cute! Cute!

Look at this adorable funny face! I am so thrilled when I can capture one of her cute faces on camera.
She's changed so much in the last few weeks - she knows how to smile and coo, and she chews on her fist and stares hungrily at her toes!
My flight back to Tennessee went fine yesterday.
Charlie met me at the health club and we attempted a workout surrounded by little kids. Aside from one grandfather, we were the oldest ones in the pool.
The kids would have been outside, but we had thunderstorms and everyone had to come in from the outdoor pool.
We had an outstanding dinner at TY and SY's - catfish and bream that 'the guys' caught last week, white beans, two salads, wheat rolls, and fruit salad for dessert drizzled with sweet strawberry wine. A gourmet meal!
Gotta go - TTFN and have a nice day back at work!
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Well without all the Grandma excitement the baby slept awful last night and I'm exhausted. She's asleep now, but woke up several times throughout the night. I used the snugli and folded the headrest yesterday at the mall. she loved it and even fell asleep after about an hour of shopping. fun!!!!
we miss you!
we miss you!
Now that's the way to eat fruit, with strawberry wine. And Charlie, what is bream?
I am one of the oldest people in my gym, except in aerobics classes, where one lady is 92 and a few in their 60's. In fact I am one of the oldest people in my office and in my neighborhood.
Savi's probably wondering where all the attention went!
I am one of the oldest people in my gym, except in aerobics classes, where one lady is 92 and a few in their 60's. In fact I am one of the oldest people in my office and in my neighborhood.
Savi's probably wondering where all the attention went!
Nancy, bream are a general type of fish. Bluegill, sun perch, redear (shellcrackers), warmouth, and probably others that I can't think of right now all fit the category of bream. They also fit the general category of panfish, meaning that they fit perfectly into a frying pan. Most of the bream we catch are bluegill. They are great fun on ultra light tackle because they are very scrappy. When you unexpectedly get a catfish on light gear it can be quite exciting. Catfish are much bigger and stronger and like the some of the same baits as bream.
Amd BTW - it's pronounced "brim" in spite of the spelling.
Amd BTW - it's pronounced "brim" in spite of the spelling.
SURE was great to see my sister, and all the family and friends this Memorial Day Weekend!!! We saw more friends on Monday when we went out bikin'.
We got stuck, backed up behind a parade ceremony in a small town, ended up doing a U turn to escape. Close enough to see the folks looking, but too far to see what they were all looking AT!
OOOhhh that IS a cute cute picture!
We got stuck, backed up behind a parade ceremony in a small town, ended up doing a U turn to escape. Close enough to see the folks looking, but too far to see what they were all looking AT!
OOOhhh that IS a cute cute picture!
I sent this picture around to several people at work. One lady told me it made her day, and it certainly makes me smile every time I see it! It's my fave.
Heather - glad the snugli worked, I can't wait to have a turn!
Heather - glad the snugli worked, I can't wait to have a turn!
Wed, May 28, 2008 - No blog this morning. Karen's overnight jobs had a problem and she's already been busy this morning before even getting dressed and off to the office. Tune in tomorrow for continued comments and pictures from the blog mistress.
Thanks Charlie! I'm sorry you're having a bad day/night, Mamma! :( grrrrrr!
New pics to cheer you up?? ;)
New pics to cheer you up?? ;)
Thanks for the heads up, Heather--the new pics cheered ME up! We have to think up new words to add to cute, adorable, precious, beautiful, etc.!
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