Friday, April 11, 2008


Day 782 - Friday!

Greetings, Bloggy TGIF-ers!

Savannah is sleepy this morning, according to the picture.

I'm feeling pretty good, because it's Friday!

You know what to do - march in a circle chanting 'Fri-day! Fri-day! Fri-day!'

Charlie went fishing yesterday.

He drove an hour and a half pulling his boat to the lake, launched his boat in the water, and started fishing.

He broke his brand new fishing rod within 20 minutes (got snagged on something which hung up the line and then broke the rod) and didn't have another one with him. Poor thing!

EEk - I'm running a bit late this morning so no time for more bloggage. TTFN!

I think Savi is SINGING in this photo. What is that cute song about the goat-herd from the Sound of Music, with all that yodeling? Yep, I think I remember her singing that song, don't you? Lovely voice for such a young child.

My appt is at 10 this am with the tooth extractor. Steve said the good part is that at least I won't be "jacking my jaws." What on earth does THAT mean? How does one jack a jaw, anyway? It sounds most unpleasant.
Thanks Lyn, now I can't get the yodeling song out of my head. haha!! I CAN see her singing that though...
I'm sorry Charlie broke his new fishing pole AND didn't even get time to fish first! What a bummer. The baby girl is sleeping soundly after a super miserable day yesterday. She slept a whopping 3 hours in a 17 hour span.(woke up at 5am, went to bed at 10pm with a 3 hr nap from 2-5) She DID sleep pretty well last night and is already down for her second nap this morning, so she's needing to recoup from her sleeplessness yesterday. Poor thing.
Thanks for keeping us up to date with Charlie's retirement life, especially as you go off to work! Sorry he broke his rod (fishing rod that is!) So Heather, I think the "poor thing" applies to Mother as well as baby when she has a marathon day of wakefulness! "Poor thing" condolences to Lyn--hope you are feeling better soon! Lyn, I like the idea of SaviLynn singing the goat-herd yodeling song! Another beautiful picture of our precious baby! Today is the 3rd anniversary of when Gil and I had our first date--supper at Cinnamon Stick restaurant in Locke Mills. They have recently closed so I guess we will go to the Chick-a-Dee to have my favorite lobster stew. Yummy! Have a good weekend, everyone!
Lyn, the nice definition is talking a lot--from internet search it also includes arguing or talking trash -- ok Steve time for the dog house!

Peggy, when was your first date with Gil way back in high school?
Gee - the yodeling around our house sounds suspiciously like TURKEY CALLING... grin...
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