Monday, January 14, 2008


Day 694 - Happy Birthday to Meeeee!

Greetings, Bloggy Birthday Celebrants (that would be me) and Well-Wishers!

Thankfully I won't have another birthday on a MONDAY for awhile! I am glad I could celebrate my birthday all weekend!

I just finished opening some presents and cards. I saved several for today even though they came in the mail earlier this week.

That, my friends, is discipline!

Thanks, everyone for my gifts!

I've received a gift bag with various spa goodies in it, a check, a gift card, stamps, a Harry Potter movie, new headphones with a 16 ft. long cord, an over-the-door hanger thing I wanted, and of course my weekend and champagne and dinners out!

A couple more items are still en route, so my birthday will last awhile longer.

I'll be going out for SALAD at lunch today - I think I should eat nothing but salad for the next couple of weeks!

TTFN and Happy Birthday to yours truly!

let me be the FIRST to blog in a HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN!
Now that I did that, the reason I rushed right over was so I wouldn't forget the wonderful dream I was having just before I awoke: you and I were going on a trip somewhere, and we were dressing in the most beautiful matching satin and cashmere clothing outfits. These outfits had so many peices that we didn't have to worry about dressing alike. Mine was grey and camel colored, yours was white and a very muted yellow. They were amazing. We discovered they had been left to us. We had lots of money, or we were traveling with someone who did. I hardly ever remember my dreams, Karen, but this one was GREAT. And, on your birthday!
Happy Birthday Mamma!!!!!!!!!!! Glad you had a wonderful weekend! I'll call you tonight. Love you! xoxoxo
Lyn, I hope they weren't left to you by your dead sister who was 102...
And happy birthday one more time to Karen with the eternally blonde hair!
Happy Birthday, Karen!

Love that dream, Lyn--and very funny comment, Marcia!
Happy Birthday, Karen! How well I remember your beautiful face when you were born! And the same beautiful face today! Hope you have a fun evening and a wonderful year to come! Enjoyed Lyn's dream and Marcia's comment! We can only imagine what David would say, but we'll never know as they don't read the blog.
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