Friday, January 04, 2008


Day 684 - Oh YES, indeedy! Friday!

Greetings, Bloggy Workin' for the weekend-ers!

It's Friday!! Yahoo!

You know what to do - march in a circle chanting 'Fri-day! Fri-day! Fri-day! Fri-day!'

So - how is your New Year beginning? Mine is OK, could be better, could be worse. Work has been busy but that's not unusual.

Did I tell you about my latest invention? Someone might steal it off the blog, but that's just the way it goes.

Do you watch the show 'Chuck'? It's about a nerd who has a lot of top secret information downloaded into his brain. He and his 'friend' conversed in Vulcan for a minute on the show.

My big idea for Trekkie fans everywhere is to produce a 'World music' cd SUNG in Vulcan. Kind of like 'Enya goes Vulcan'. It would work, I know it would! Maybe that's a retirement project...

Hey - speaking of retirement... AARP is sending ME stuff! Back OFF, AARP!

Roll film clip from Lord of the Rings, where Isildur is tempted by the power of the ring at Mount Doom, where he takes the ring to be unmade...

Isildur! Throw it into the fire! Destroy it! Nooooooo!

Okay... back to reality - gotta go to WORK. TTFN and have a great weekend!

haha...AARP. Well you ARE a Grandmother now!!! hahaha
Is Vulcan a language, or would you have to make it up? And you plan to sing, don't you, on this new CD. Great idea! That AARP stuff is so insulting, especially when you are not retired--maybe in a few more years! I unsubscribed when AARP backed Bush's ill-conceived Medicare Part D prescription drug plan. They just wanted to make money on it, not advocate for Seniors, in my opinion.
Hey, it's inching 2 degrees above zero! Supposed to warm up on the weekend (we'll see!) May I be the first to bring politics into the blog, and congratulate Barach Obama on his win in Iowa! Actually I like all of the Democratic candidates. Time will tell.
Karen, you realize that by getting AARP materials you are revealing your age. It is a shock to get them as it is way before retirement age. When I started getting them, I ignored them for years. But the AARP magazine is really good-it provides helpful info for seniors and others. I know your Mom cancelled but they do a tremendous amount for seniors.

I like Barack Obama but don't think he can win a national election. I too like all of the Democratic candidates but will vote for Hillary, I confess, partially because of Bill.
Anonymous Marcia here- I wanted to say to Karen that I don't remember throwing our New Year's resolutions in the fire, sorry! But I find that to be interesting and I wish I could hear lots of stuff about our childhoods that I don't remember- we each have different memories. I get flashbacks of my childhood at odd times, like when I teach piano.
Thanks for the tip, Charlie. I hadn't read your suggestion a few days back until now. Thanks, now I can stop being Anonymous Marcia.
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