Friday, December 14, 2007


Day 663 - Twas the Friday before the Friday before Christmas!

Greetings, Bloggy Weekenders! It's Friday! Woo Hoo!

You know what to do, march in a circle chanting 'Friday! Christmas! Friday! Christmas!'

We are leaving work early today for departmental Christmas festivities which include FOOD, held at a nearby restaurant. I am looking forward to it - maybe I'll even learn some people's names that I have worked with for the past year and a half (not quite, but close enough).

Okay, I'm looking forward to the food. I admit it. Team building is fine, food is better.

I had strange dreams last night but I don't really remember what they were! I know that one of them was sledding in the dark! I remember thinking it was likely we would get run over by a car. Okey dokey... moving away from my madness...

Saturday is supposed to be my big 'finish up the shopping and get things done day'. The weather forecasters are anticipating 2-3 INCHES of rain that day, followed by snow flurries. Sounds like a wash out - I may have to spill over to Sunday to get things done. (Contingency planning in progress). No big deal, I don't have that much to do.

I have just a few cards left to fill out, and then I'll do the 'as needed' cards. These are reciprocation cards I send to people who send us one. It's a courtesy - do you do that too?

Hey, it's 6:10! Gotta go! TTFN and have a great weekend! Don't expect long blogs over the weekend unless I abandon some of my shopping plans.

Holy Moly! We had about 11 inches of snow yesterday before it finally died down around 9pm. The doctor cancelled afternoon patients after attempting to drive from EP to Warren and felt the roads were too dangerous. (of course I had already gone there to set up) That was at 1:30...I got home at 5:30. My windshield wipers froze on me as soon as I hit 95...couldn't see, managed to pull off the plowed part of the highway & off the Eddy st. exit to RI hospital's parking lot. Some nice employee came out while I was sitting there & he fixed my wipers. Off I went again towards the highway. As soon as I got ON the highway, I passed the Dr. I work for stuck in the snow. Dummy me stops without thinking that I might have gotten stuck too! Luckily I didn't & after making sure he was taken care of, I went back on my way again. More snow to come Saturday into Sunday. YUCK!!!!!!!!!! (and the whole time I was stuck in my car I had to PEE! Waaaaaaaaaa!)
Heather, what a terrible story--so glad you're ok --
Charlie: a technical problem--note the first Comment sometimes blocks the line above it.
Karen: re sledding and getting hit by a car--one night a friend and I were walking up High Street to the farm at night in a blinding snowstorm--couldn't see or hear. Being teenagers (and in the boonies) we were walking IN the road. Something made me look behind me, and I saw lights and a truck a few feet behind us--we dove into the snowbank.
Happy shopping and eating!
I'm laughing here...

Nancy, I'm good, but I have absolutely no control over the blogging software. I've noticed that for a long a time; that's an issue that has to be resolved by the programmers that run the blog site. But I appreciate your confidence in me! :-)
ooooh, a comment from Charlie! HI CHARLIEEEEEEEEEE!!!! xoxoxo
Hey, Heather. Glad you made it home to pee. Oh wait - you didn't say you made it! :-)

Glad you got home safely though.
Hmmm, I'll let you all wonder about that one...;)
so, here I am, up so early it's still yesterday to everyone else. gotta go to WORK. my work party was sparse to say the least because of the weather so everyone didn't get their gift. I got mine, Yankee Candles, what else? NOT complaining, I'm a Yankee, and I use candles.
My sect. santa peson got a 20 dollar gift card for Dunkin Donuts. Now THAT is a practical sort of 20 dollar gift if you ask me, for what you can get for 20 bucks these days, anyone is lucky to get me drawing their name out of a hat let me tell you. Merry Christmas too.
Better get a card ready for me there Karen cause I'm in the PLANNING phase of sending you one!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
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