Friday, November 09, 2007
Day 627 - Friday, Hooray!
You know what to do - march in a circle chanting 'Fri-day! Fri-day! Fri-day!'
This work week FLEW by. I hope the weekend doesn't fly by so quickly.
I was supposed to work tonight and tomorrow on a release, but it is postponed.
Instead, I'll be going to my 8am water aerobics class in the morning and a Christmas craft fair after that. It's a tough life.
One of my dreams last night was of an L-shaped, high leather-covered desk that was as long as a sofa (and looked a little like one too).
In the middle of one side of the desk was a built in, leather covered hot plate and tea maker. The tea didn't go into a pot, it brewed into a saucer sitting on the desk. Very strange. In my dream, I thought it was a little like the 50's furniture on 'Leave it to Beaver', but it really wasn't. It was custom-dream-made and one of a kind.
I had some other dreams that I don't remember except bits and bites.
Anyway, moving right along...
Hey! Good news! One study says that being overweight doesn't automatically mean you're a health risk. A little meat on the old bones isn't the end of the world, thank goodness...
Guess I'll go eat breakfast and enjoy it! TTFN and have a nice weekend!