Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Day 576 - Midweek - Hooray!

Greetings, Bloggy Middle of the Road and Middle of the Week-ers!

This month has FLOWN by! I have so much to do by the end of the month, but I can't get stressed out about it.

Grasshopper, move through your tasks like the wind in the leaves, they will bend to your will. Yes, Master...

How poetic!

Coming back to REALITY...

I like Wednesday because the Publix grocery ad comes out in the newspaper. Charlie is happy because the paper arrived before 6 today, lots of times it doesn't. I look at all the buying opportunities with relish...

I like to BUY THINGS - even grocery items. I always have!

I got a reply already from Cracker Barrel - they said the store is using the new 'optimized menu'.

I quote: This was changed to provide faster service time with fewer mistakes made by our employees.

I think that's hilarious... We'll give you less, but we'll give it to you faster and we won't screw it up as much either.


Hello hello! Woke up today to a blown brake line, so no work. Car's still at the shop as the other brake line blew while the mechanic was bleeding the 1st....figures. Hopefully YOUR car made it better for it's first checkup. ;)
Goodness! I'm glad you weren't driving when that happened!
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