Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Day 548 - Last Day of Work till Vacation!

Greetings, Bloggy Midweekers!

I just finished packing SOCKS in my suitcase, I realized I hadn't put any in. Oops. Last night I had to fix up a few things to mail before my trip too.

I haven't packed my camera yet either...

I have a lot of last-minute stuff to do, and I haven't chosen what book to read on the plane. Big decision!

I want to read that 'Twilight' vampire series by Stephanie Meyers that's so popular right now. I'll bet the bookstore doesn't have any, but I may go over there at lunchtime today.

Work today is Wrap up, wrap up, wrap up and transition. Big fun!

Hey! Did you hear that a BLIND GOLFER hit a hole in 1 in Pennsylvania? Good grief!

Hey again - it's quarter past 6 already so I'd better go. TTFN!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, and then I'm on vacation!!!!

Hi Karen!

That is an awesome story about the blind woman hitting the hole in one. I can appreciate the difficulty, not being a golfer at all! It is difficult to hit those balls just right never mind get them to land into some tiny cup somewhere off in the distance. AND I thought I was the only person alive to say "good grief!" anymore...other than my coworkers (from working with me.)
Lucky they aren't saying worse things. Ok they are.

Well we all had a splendid time at William's party. When I can figure out how to email the pics, well that is just what I'll do.

Will announced his engagement to Shannon - not news to us of course! January 1st. New Year, New Life! Will is VERY HAPPY. Shannon, of course is in a very UNhappy place and does well to make the best of it. I know you are going to like her very much.

Wishing you well as you embark upon your much deserved VACATION!
How cool is that??? BLIND and a hole in one! How crazy! Can't wait to see you!!!!!!
Telepathic golfing...
And the blind golfer was a woman, even better! Karen, such a busy Wednesday, then it will be Thurs and "leaving on a jet plane" for Maine!!! We'll be there to pick you up at 3:08pm. Can't wait!!!!

40 degrees this AM, but now 70 degrees this afternoon. The forecast is for humidity and 85 this weekend. You'll feel right to home! Except for the sea breezes. How nice that will be! I ordered our lobsters for tomorrow night's supper!
And "mom" and Karen are picking ME up on Friday morning! Then I will have lobster on Friday. We're on the ocean--I want warm!!
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