Sunday, August 19, 2007


Day 545 - Sunday before vacation!

Greetings, Blogregation! It's Sunday! I hope you're having a great weekend!

They haven't changed our local church marquee signs, so I 'Googled 'em' and chose this one:

"Don't make me come down there!" GOD

I don't even mind that tomorrow is Monday, because it's the Monday before my vacation, and I have only THREE work days this coming week. After that, no work until SEPTEMBER THE 9th! OMIGOSH...

I'm already drinking my foame' latte' that Charlie made for me, have a wash in, spotted wild turkeys in the yard and Charlie took pictures of them, and packed a few things.

Yesterday I went to water aerobics, then went into work for a couple of hours (due to that problem we had overnight), then went grocery shopping, then cooked dinner, etc etc. No time for 'da blog'.

Charlie and I are BOTH going to hit the health club later this morning, then go see Nicole Kidman's 'Invasion' movie. I don't care if it's predictable, I like those kinds of movies.

Hey Ross-man - you were in one of my dreams last night.

You needed some kind of driver or service routine written. My witty suggestion was to write it in COBOL. See, I can even be funny in my dreams! Joe -please tell Ross I mentioned him on 'da blog'.

Another former co-worker (nameless) was in one of my dreams last night, and had a citation for DUI in her hand. She had her 15 year old niece with her too, who was busy throwing up. Where did THAT come from?

Anyway - gonna go make breakfast! TTFN and have a nice party for Will today!

Happy Sunday!! I've seen that church sign before somewhere around here..made me laugh then too. cute! Have fun today! See you soon! xoxo
Hi Karen, It's William's Day today! Yay!! All those last minute preparations, the things you really can't do the day before.
Can't wait to see all the family--Steve's family too, about 25 expected. Wish you were here, and you will be back in NE soon. 70's today!
To William:

The most popular guy in New England today. Have a great party. xoxo
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