Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Day 540 - Hand me summa dem yeller carrots!

Apologies for the slightly fuzzy photo of these YELLOW CARROTS! Charlie and I have been having these as lunch snacks this week.
I have had such a craving for yellow and orange vegetables - for months, in fact.
This includes squash and parsnips and turnips and carrots and lots of sweet potatoes.
Have you seen these before??
I hadn't, and went to the Publix grocery store this past weekend, and spotted them.
I grabbed a bag and walked over to the produce man, and said 'Have you tried these? Do they taste like carrots or like parsnips?'
The produce guy said 'I haven't tried them yet - let's see what they taste like!' and tore open the top of the bag on the spot! (I would never do that, but he could).
He reached in and grabbed one, and I did too, and we happily munched on our Yellow carrots... and guess what? They taste exactly like orange carrots. A miracle of gardening prowess.
However, I do think they will be beautiful WITH orange carrots on a vegetable tray, and they certainly caught my eye.
So, the bottom line is - for $2.49 a bag, YOU TOO can enjoy yellow carrots... that taste exactly like orange carrots.
TTFN and have a nice day!
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Hi Karen, Yesterday was Evan's day and today is yellow carrot day. What a life! I'm doing the Bingo food counter tonight with another lady, Bea--another transplant from W Paris--2 pies, apple, and grapenut (this pie I just learned to make up here--1 and 3/4 cups whole milk, 1 lg pkg. vanilla instant pudding, 3/4 cups of grapenuts, and 1/2 small Cool whip and the other half on top after the pie cools in the fridge and add a sprinkling of grapenuts- (people here like it). Also have the makings for spam and egg salad sandwiches, and seafood salad (this I bought). Bea brings mixed fruit jello, cream cheese and olive sandwiches, small italian sandwiches, also someone is bringing apple squares, and peanut butter fudge. All of this is to sell along with red hot dogs and steamed rolls. So gotta go!
Happy Tuesday! Super busy at work this week (and last week, and the week before....haha) Those yellow carrots are cool! Need to find them! I love that the guy opened a bag to try...Maybe I'll hit the market tonight and look for some! Love you!
I never see spam & egg salad or cream cheese & olive sandwiches anywhere except Maine--I miss them!
I think I'll pass on the grapenut pie.
I too will look for those carrots in my neighborhood organic food store.
Karen, lobster is coming soon!
I think I'll pass on the grapenut pie.
I too will look for those carrots in my neighborhood organic food store.
Karen, lobster is coming soon!
Cream cheese and olive! Lyn used to make those for us when we were little! LOVED them then, but don't think I could eat one now! ;)
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