Saturday, July 28, 2007


Day 523 - Saturday, and Rat Radio is the Rage!

Greetings, Bloggy Dearests! Weekend, lovely weekend!

It's Saturday, and I'm drinking some iced coffee instead of hot coffee while I blog.

I'll be leaving soon for water aerobics, which I desperately need because I ate pizza last night for supper. I have a hippie-looking tie-dyed swimsuit on.

I had an idea for a national radio talk show yesterday. If anyone capitalizes on my idea, I want a big cut of the profit.

I was driving home and watching a red CR-V driving in the breakdown lane - like it was OK.

They had to drive around debris and tire treads to do it, but merrily drove along in the breakdown lane. I imagine they would have run over any hitchhiker or stranded motorist...

Anyway, I thought of a radio talk show format named 'Rat Radio', where anyone would call up and just TELL SOMEONE all the crazy stuff you see or hear or do.

That happens to me so often - I just would like to TELL on some of these nut cases out there.

Even better, there could be an accompanying website where you post videos from your camera phone of the stuff you see.

You could have Rat Road Rage Day, Rat out your boss day, Rat on your spouse, Rat on yourself, etc.

What do you think? Is it a hit? Does anyone want to buy my idea? I'll write a business plan if you're buying.


I HAVE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally. Cable too...thank goodness! Have a great weekend!
What about ratatouille?
or however you spell it!
Lyn, I liked that MeetseeEye story.
Well, what about Rat Radio??
A day late but Rat Radio sounds great, Karen!
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