Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Day 519 - Step aside, Blog!

Greetings, Bloggy Two-fer Tuesdayers!

This is going to be short and sweet.

Hello, have a nice day, and if I don't blog this morning I can spend 20 minutes reading Harry Potter instead of messing around with Blogger.

Which would YOU choose? I even have my clothes laid out for work already.

Have a nice Tuesday and expect more short blogs till I finish this book! I don't have as much time reading in the evening as I'd like to, because it puts me to sleep! Old, old, old.



Been so long, I didn't know if my computer would even remember me. Turns out its having a tough time. Good to be home, great to read a week's worth of the BLOG.

I saw a couple of stacks of the HP book in one of the many local Walmarts where we stayed near the base...guess the soldiers aren't reading too much Harry Potter! Actually, most of them are deployed. It sure was great to greet ours.
We had another young soldier with us for a couple days whose family could not be there. We took him out to eat, he stayed in comfort at the hotel, went to the movies, and had a surrogate family to soak up. Funny thing was he looked like one of our family, like he could have blended right in up at the farm.
We went to see the Transformers, and everyone liked it a lot, it appealed to each of us, the younger guys love the classic cars, and they both grew up with the Transformer toys and they dig cute chicks.
Steve, all of the above except the Transformer toys. You know, he was skeptical about seeing this movie, and do you know he had a great time.

When Will was just 2 or 3 yers old he wanted a "meetsee-I" for Christmas. it took me a little while to figure out what that was, when an ad for Transformers came on with their song "Transformers, more than 'MEETS THE EYE.'"
Yes, that's a meetsee-I.

Have a wonderful day, I now have stacks of everything to put away...
Happy tuesday! Lyn, what a nice thing to do! I'm sure he loved that! With everyone talking about the transformers, I'll add my two cents...liked it, but didn't love it. Was long and kind of boring at times. And I wish too that you could see them transform better. It was okay though.
Hugs to everyone!
Glad to hear from Lyn again! A wonderful story about the soldier you befriended and what a funny story about Will. Eric loved transformers, I always thought they were amazing.

Karen, we know where your heart really lies, with Harry Potter and not your bloggy friends. A brief hiatus as there will be no more books!!
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