Thursday, June 28, 2007
Day 493 - Thursday and counting!

It's Thursday - one more day (after today of course) till the weekend.
I brought some summer squash to work yesterday to hand out to 'da gang'. I don't know if a single male took one, the women did though.
I also had a 'special double' squash that was a large and small bloom that had grown together.
I brought that one in for the lady at work who is expecting. It was a 'madonna and child' squash.
SHE LOVED IT. Everyone who went by her desk yesterday commented on it, and laughed over it. By the end of the day she was thinking she shouldn't even eat it - she should dry it or save it, and she mentioned wearing it around her neck (as a joke). Very funny.
It's amazing how much conversation can be generated by a few vegetables, isn't it?
Quotes of the day:
Primarily I'm a meat man, although once in a while I toy with a few vegetables. Nat King Cole
I get something called a macho salad, which is all vegetables, and then I get a tin of salmon on the side. I know it's "sahmon," but I like to say "sammin."
Walter Matthau
Have a great day, everyone! Love you bye!