Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Day 492 - Midweek around the Midriff

Greetings, Bloggy Middlers!

It's already 6:07 so this is going to be short.

I am SOOO busy at work right now, and there are a million projects going on that I am somewhat (or heavily) involved in.

My meetings today start at 8am and run continuously until lunchtime. After that, I can't remember what the rest of the day holds.

I was the only person at water aerobics yesterday afternoon, so I had my own personal trainer for an hour in the water. When we got through with OUR workout, she remarked 'next time we're using the double weights'.

I think that means she wasn't happy I could DO all the exercises without too much effort. Tee Hee...

I've enjoyed eating out FIVE times this week (one meal at work, the Irish pub, dinner with friends, Cozymels, and Cracker Barrel) but gained a couple pounds for my trouble. Sheesh.

Have a great Wednesday and TTFN!

Hey! where is everybody? Summer vacation?
...always here in spirit. Hi Karen, yes, I do read more often than I write. I hope your trainer wasn't talking about those weights they use on The Sopranos. You know the type. The double heavy weigh 'em down so they don't come back up type! My cheery thought for the day. Glad I wrote in? I'll go back to my laundry now, and BOOing the Sox. Go Yankees.
I don't know, I've just been lazy about writing, not much to say, afraid of being boring or something. Do you really want to just hear me say hello? And when I'm on the island I always read the blog. Sometimes too many times a day, to see who wrote something.
Yes, I'm here too. Karen, you sound really busy at work, and eating out! I'm enjoying seeing more comments and Hi to all you bloggy loved ones! Brother Sidney is quite ill, but I'll keep you posted by phone on this.
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