Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Day 464 - Of Bass Boats and Motorhomes

School isn't out yet in New England, but it is here. Everyone is going on vacation.
Word to the wise - be careful, because there are thieves everywhere! I hate to say that, but it's true.
First - today's photo is of a 'redneck bass boat' - I don't think he has to worry about it being stolen, except for the motor and battery.
I have TWO stories of theft from Memorial weekend, thankfully we weren't affected by either one.
We were at a marina this past Friday night. We would be launching from there the next day.
Two sunburned guys in a fancy black and red bass boat complete with a huge motor were launching their boat.
We noticed they weren't very good at it, and didn't adjust the motor's depth properly (the motor starts out tilted up. You push a button and an electric mechanism lowers it into the water).
When they left the 'no wake' (which means no waves) zone, they REALLY opened it up and went screaming off into the lake at a very steep angle.
Shortly after they were out of sight, another sunburned guy came down to the dock asking 'Did a red and black boat just go out of here?'. We said 'Yes'. He said 'That would be my boat'. We exclaimed loudly 'No way!'
He sat down to wait for them to return, saying 'They won't go far, there's not much gas in there'. Evidently someone he knew TOOK his boat and left him behind. Nice buddies, guy.
Then - Monday morning I was filling my car with gas at the local (8 miles away) gas station. A man next to me was filling his motorhome. He came around the pump to speak to me, and said in a calm voice 'I did this yesterday, and someone stole all the gas out of it'.
I exclaimed again 'No way!'. He said he thinks a neighbor is on drugs and stealing anything he can get. Meanwhile - the gas pump was already at $100. I asked if the gas cap on the motorhome has a lock on it. He said no, but that would be the next purchase for it.
Can you believe that? Two theft incidents in three days. Good grief!
If you own a motorhome - be forewarned - buy a lock for the gas tank! TTFN!
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"Red neck bass boat"--that's pretty funny. We'll be advised about gas thieves--what's the world coming to. Jeeez! I had a good day which started off with Lyn working and Steve driving me to visit some of my former co-workers, then eventually Steve and I had lunch at Oakland Beach, red chowder and clam cakes for me, a hot dog and coke for Steve. I know you're jealous, Karen, as you love RI clam cakes--they are like none other! Back to Maine in the morning where my sweetheart awaits me!
I can't believe someone would steal GAS out of a motorhome! AWFUL!!!!!
Nothing new to tell here...hope everyone is having a great week! THEIF FREE!
Nothing new to tell here...hope everyone is having a great week! THEIF FREE!
I like the thought of the guys out on the water without any gas in the boat. Always problems with boats I guess.
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