Friday, May 25, 2007
Day 459 - Happy Memorial Weekend!

The new Pirates of the Caribbean movie starts today. Gotta go see my ORLANDO BLOOM-age, even though he won't have on a Legolas outfit and a blonde wig.
Life is so unfair sometimes... (kidding!)
A funny story - every weekend in May we have a 'Renaissance Festival' here - complete with a tour of a 'castle', sword fighting, people in Robin Hood/Maid Marion garb, camel rides, falconry and jousting, etc.
Okay, my favorite part of the fair is the one pound or more smoked turkey legs they sell at the food court. We haven't been in several years.
THIS year someone at work attended the Festival. They informed me that all the studly pirate-types had on a lot of eyeliner like Johnny Depp, AS IF that is what a tough and macho, swaggering, sword fighting male OUGHT to look like.
HA HA HA - how on earth did THAT get started? Sheesh!
I can hear it now - 'My kingdom for a new mascara!' 'Scour the countryside for the Avon lady and present her to me!' 'My queen, can I borrow your lipstick?' EEEEEw!
Have a nice holiday weekend everyone! TTFN!
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Hello, how're you guys doing? I've been sick with something, sore throat, headache, body aches, general weakness, but I'm getting better. It seems to be going around the church and the community in general. It makes you really appreciate when you feel normal again. (What is normal anyway?). I'm trying to feel good about myself after a little press release date boo-boo I made, not a big deal, but something I have to deal with, concerning the Noonday concerts. The executive types say "Mistakes are good, just make mistakes faster!" Ok, no problem, I can probably do that. Emails are dangerous things, you type quickly and press a button, and there it goes, before you've properly proofread it. And then you have new people every year at the papers here who don't notice that there's a week missing from your weekly concert series, etc, and don't catch the mistake. The turnover has been fierce lately, no one can find housing here. A couple I know is moving to Florida for at least the summer, no housing here that they can afford. They had a winter only rental, and can't find a summer rental they can afford. Even with lots of people trying to help. Prety soon all that will be left is the very rich, the Latinos and the Jamaicans.
I just LOVE a man in mascara!!! ;)
Hello to all...sorry you've been sick Marcia! Feel better! Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend! xoxoxo
Hello to all...sorry you've been sick Marcia! Feel better! Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend! xoxoxo
I have not (scream loudly Karen) seen any of the Pirates movies. New one has been badly panned here but who cares when your heroes are in it?
We have a Renaisssance Faire in Marin County--haven't been in years, since Eric was little [he'll be 25 May 30th!]--he loved the jousting, swords and spears. I fondly rememberthe turkey legs and the knights.
We have a Renaisssance Faire in Marin County--haven't been in years, since Eric was little [he'll be 25 May 30th!]--he loved the jousting, swords and spears. I fondly rememberthe turkey legs and the knights.
Hi Karen,
You didn't say which turkey had the greatest legs! Probably the one with the least mascara. I was just thinking that full facial makeup will probably become the next thing men steal - OK, "adopt" from OUR culture. If one spends any amount of time contemplating how bit by bit men have come to appreciate the finer things within OUR culture, and henceforth have come to emulate these things, yea, more than emulate, to have and to BE these things, well it's too bad we women hadn't patents on our STUFF, our ideas and our ways of being. Yes, I could go on. But what can you do? To quote one of my favorite song writers, "girls will be boys and boys will be girls its a mixed up world said a shook up world..." (Gotta get my three dots in.)
You didn't say which turkey had the greatest legs! Probably the one with the least mascara. I was just thinking that full facial makeup will probably become the next thing men steal - OK, "adopt" from OUR culture. If one spends any amount of time contemplating how bit by bit men have come to appreciate the finer things within OUR culture, and henceforth have come to emulate these things, yea, more than emulate, to have and to BE these things, well it's too bad we women hadn't patents on our STUFF, our ideas and our ways of being. Yes, I could go on. But what can you do? To quote one of my favorite song writers, "girls will be boys and boys will be girls its a mixed up world said a shook up world..." (Gotta get my three dots in.)
I feel left out as I can't comment on the turkey legs. Too bad. But I'll go to my first Pirates movie just to see Legolas in different attire! We've had a busy day which included planting flowers in 3 different cemetaries (S Paris, W Paris, and Norway) and adjusting to 90 degree heat. And to think we've been waiting for it to warm up! Tomorrow will be 80 and that's better! We'll get in the pool for sure--today too busy if you can believe it. Karen, I'm laughing as I write this as I was just reading an email from Heather explaining to me that the unopened card I'm saving for my birthday is really my Mother's Day card, and go ahead and open it! So I did and indeed it is the sweetest Mother's Day message you could imagine. Isn't that hilarious? You and Charlie have a great weekend. We will do the same with Lyn and Steve here visiting--that'll be fun!
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