Monday, May 14, 2007
Day 448 - Monday Blahs and Yau-man Blues

It's Monday again, and today will be my first day back at work after several days out of town.
I am bringing muffins and coffee to work today to celebrate our return.
I like today's photo - a computer, some headphones, and an ice cream sundae. Sounds good to me!
Charlie and I were disappointed that Yau-man was not in the final 3 of 'Survivor'. He very much deserved to win it, and I have also lost respect for Earl.
Earl knew that he had to prevent Yau-man from getting to the final three because he would have had everyone's vote. I hope that if I were in his shoes, I would do my best to ensure the RIGHT people got into the finals - the people who deserved to be there - not just the people I could beat. That is the RIGHT thing to do.
I think we should get a million people to send Yau-man $1 each, and a million people to send a note to Dreams that we're glad that lying and backstabbing people didn't win him a million dollars. Dreams should give Yau-man back his truck as well.
That's enough preaching for this morning. Cracker Barrel tonight, it's been a long time! TTFN!
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Morning, Karen, must be strange to go back to work today after your trip. I'm in a fog this morning, tired I think from special things going on. Yesterday I did a little lecture/demonstration about the historic organ in our church, which was fun. I had been learning cool stuff about the organ-builder, William Goodrich. The organ was built in 1831). Have a good day!
Happy Monday Mamma! Hope you had a nice Mother's Day! Evan did come by last night to visit, which was nice...after everyone else had gone home. I want to go to Cracker Barrel w/ you tonight!
Love you!!! xoxoxoxo
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Love you!!! xoxoxoxo
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