Monday, May 07, 2007


Day 441 - Moanday Moanday!

Greetings, Bloggy Commuters! It's Monday!

Rise and shine and put on your thinking caps - it's going to be a busy week!

Doesn't this 'thinking cap' guy in the photo look a lot like Jim Carey? He does to me!

Announcement - I am leaving early tomorrow morning for a computer conference in Seattle.

I won't be back till very late Friday night, and I don't know if I'll be blogging at all during that time. We will be so busy there with sessions and events that there isn't much 'free time'.

Feel free to use comment postings to have your own conversations without me!

I put in 5 or 6 hours of work from home this weekend and made some progress on my project (which was originally due TODAY but that may slip).

Have a wonderful week this week (blog or no blog), and I'll try to say 'Hi' if time permits. TTFN!

Have a good time Karen, sounds like fun!
Hi Mamma!!! Have a nice time on your trip! This is the fun one, right?? We will all miss 'da blog' while you're gone!!!
Love you!!! xoxoxoxo
Oh, and YES, that picture looks JUST LIKE Jim Carry!!! Meant to mention that!! xoxox
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