Monday, April 23, 2007


Day 427 - Monday, Monday, Can't Trust That Day

Greetings, Monday Morning Blah-gers!

Ha! I've used that before but maybe you missed it.

I looked on the internet for 'Monday morning blah' material, and found this...

The majority of heart attacks occur between 8 and 9 a.m. on Monday morning, (the beginning of the work week), reported Max Wyman, of the Vancouver Sun, on March 16, 1998. He should know--he was one of them! I had often heard this statistic but had never conducted any research of my own. At times, I was sure it was an urban myth, concocted by some fellow professional speaker to help illustrate a platform point about reducing stress. So before repeating this data, yet again, I enquired with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario--sure enough, a member of their External Relations Branch confirmed it's true! These findings are supported by multiple medical studies, one of the most respected of which is the ALLHAT study (an international, multicenter study funded by the American National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Studies Program, with multiple teams across Canada and the U.S.A).

Anyway - I'm heading off to the office early today, because I have a deadline this week and a lot to do to meet it. (Yeah yeah, deadlines schmedlines).

I'm slogging down a cup of coffee, and 'mostly' have a lunch for myself ready to go. I made chicken salad yesterday for me and Charlie, so I'll have some of that, and I have a container of fresh pineapple mixed with fresh mango, a yogurt, and whatever else I throw in there.

Sounds good, eh? Well, take care of yourself and your heart on Monday morning! TTFN!

Hope you have a good day at work- my workday will be from 11:30 to 9- Bah humbug!
Mondays stink, but at least today is BEAUTIFUL and 80's!! Wish I wasn't in the office...Ick.
Have a nice day Mamma!
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