Thursday, February 15, 2007


Day 360 - Don't Worry, It'll Wear Off Someday...

Greetings, Bloggy DIY-ers!

That means 'Do it yourself-ers'.

Charlie had a little incident this past weekend with some gorilla glue (which is one of those products that nothing can remove) and the handle of a brush mower. Maybe a little dirt and grime were involved too.

Anyhow - to make a long story short Charlie has semi-permanently (until the skin sheds and new skin grows back) bonded some coarse brown 'nasty stuff' onto his fingers. Oops.

Charlie and gorilla glue have a history together.

For example, there is still a spot of gorilla glue on the kitchen counter from a cutting board repair job that went a tad awry. Oops. It'll be there forever as a gentle reminder. At least skin regenerates.

Beware, DIY-ers out there - products that say 'PERMANENT BOND' mean it. Right on their website they have a 'firstaid' link for all the people who bond gorilla glue to themselves... Wonder why they need that??

Have a great day, readers, and BE CAREFUL!!

Poor Charlie! The Gorilla glue strikes again!!
Hope you all have a great weekend! The doctor goes on vacation tomorrow, so I'm off after today until the 26th! YAY!!!!
You gotta love that Charlie!
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