Thursday, January 11, 2007
Day 325 - Hooray for the Buffet!

I had a nice workday yesterday and my new report was well received.
Today is the last day at work for one of our team, and I need to remember to bring a card in for everyone to sign. I should have done this already, but didn't think of it. Oops.
We're going out for 'Chinese Buffet' at a place I haven't been to yet in Cool Springs. As you know, gentle readers, I love Chinese food so I am looking forward to it. Could their wonton soup be better than my homemade wonton soup? Dunno, probably!
I should state for the record that one of my most wonderful and memorable Chinese food experiences was going out for Dim Sum in San Francisco, and Aunt Nancy treated me to it. Thank you, Aunt Nancy!
Did I tell you about the Chinese Restaurant in Massachusetts that was fined for catching and serving the ducks from the local lake/reservoir nearby? It's closed now, of course. I used to take the kids to feed the ducks at that lake! Not very funny, but it's TRUE so I'm telling it.
And WHY is it so fun to go feed ducks anyway? It is WAY fun for the kids and for me!
Oops- trizzle trizzle trazzle trone - my time is running short so I'd better get a move on.
Have a great Thursday and Away to the Buffet!
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I LOVED feeding the ducks...still do!! poor duckies becoming dinner awful! Just got a call from my maniac brother, he and Will are out tonight..wanted me to join but I'm too old to party then work the next day! Haha!
Happy almost Friday!!!!
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Happy almost Friday!!!!
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