Monday, January 08, 2007


Day 322 - Buddy, Can You Spare a Blog?

Greetings, Bloggy Moan-Day Commuters!

I added my photo, expecting Blogger to double space everything. Now it won't add any whitespace at all between sentences. Go figure. Ok, I've taken out and put back the whitespace. Sheesh.


Here's a lovely Cappuccino photo to get you started for the day. The pattern looks a little like a heart...

I hope you think it looks like a heart - because to ME it also looks a little like a derriere - can I say that on the blog without offending anyone? Apologies if you'd rather keep the 'heart' thought in your head.

I just made lunches - turkey pastrami. I love real, New York pastrami, but I can stand turkey pastrami because it is a tad more healthful (I tell myself). It is still loaded with salt, but it's pastrami for heaven's sake, it has to be salty.

Would someone agree with me that packaged lunch meat is always WET, especially if you've frozen it first? I have to blot our lunchmeat with a paper towel before I make sandwiches, so they won't be soggy. I lay out the slices on a paper towel (Viva, of course) and roll it up, sometimes lovingly pounding on it with my fist to dry the &^%$$# stuff out.

Sigh - enough sweetness and light on this Monday morning. I am going to make this a tad short and go do some EXERCISE this morning before work.

I made those crabmeat appetizers again yesterday (the cheese and crab on english muffins) and Charlie and I ate the whole batch. Oops.

Roll sound clip of the seven dwarfs singing Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, it's to the scale I'll go....

Love you bye!

That's definitely a butt.
Yes, definitely a butt.

I made cornbread dressing yesterday using the turkey broth you gave me. It turned out great, now I've got in the freezer for later. I'll get your container to you sometime.
I agree with the boys...butt it is!
But it looked yummy..hehe...
Butt Karen, don't be concerned with bad language on the butt blog.
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