Thursday, January 25, 2007
Day 339 - Shine on, Shine on Harvest Moon-age

I woke up at 4:30am this morning and watched the neon clock-radio readout gleam over Charlie's arm and shoulder... Not exactly moonlight, eh?
I got chatty after that and kept Charlie awake until the alarm went off at 5. Sorry, Charlie!
Dreamland update: I had a most interesting dream last night (not!) about wanting to put away lawn chairs and not having a place to store them or hooks in the garage for them, etc. The garage was actually my sisters garage, by the way.
Tell me, Doctor Bloggy, what does that dream mean?
Well, it's obvious, Karen - you need some additional organization in your life right now. That'll be $150, please see the receptionist on your way out the door...
He's right, you know. (Good grief, I just agreed with a fictitious character that I invented.) It's not spring, but I need to do spring cleaning because I didn't do fall cleaning.
Charlie is going out to lunch today with a buddy of his. This buddy leads a very conservative, quiet life, but he throws it all away when he goes out with Charlie - by going to Hooters for lunch. If his wife only knew she'd womp his butt... ;-)
Personally, I think that is hysterically funny - Charlie is his 'ogling excuse'.
Gotta go! Have a nice Thursday!
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Hahaha! Charlie's a BAD influence! That cracks me up! Don't feel bad, I didn't do any FALL cleaning, or Summer cleaning, or even Spring cleaning LAST spring, so I'VE got some SERIOUS organizing to do! I still have clothes in plastic bags that haven't been unpacked since the move (LAST NOVEMBER) how sad.
Have a good Thursday anyway! xoxoxo
Have a good Thursday anyway! xoxoxo
Hope that wife doesn't read your blog! Hooters is pretty benign, it seems to me. When our family went to one in Miami, males of our group pointed out that they were not as represented (read petite!)
As the kind wonderful Auntie I am, when a nephew and his girlfriend visited in SF, to kill time while waiting to get seated in a restaurant (OK everyone Scomas, the BEST), I suggested they go to the nearby Hooters. The girlfriend sat in stony silence throughout our dinner after--she was NOT happy with the experience.
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As the kind wonderful Auntie I am, when a nephew and his girlfriend visited in SF, to kill time while waiting to get seated in a restaurant (OK everyone Scomas, the BEST), I suggested they go to the nearby Hooters. The girlfriend sat in stony silence throughout our dinner after--she was NOT happy with the experience.
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