Friday, December 29, 2006


Day 312 - Flotsum, Jetsum, and FROTH!

Greetings, Bloggy Expresso-Drinkers!

This morning I am working from HOME (insert joy and bliss here), so I am writing my blog later than usual while I drink my delicious coffee with steamed-and-frothed-milk in it.

No, it's not expresso based, but I've got the froth and that's what I like best.

Thanks to my handy-dandy Melitta milk frother immersion whip that my friend CD gave me for Christmas, I have foam with my coffee this morning.

Rachael Ray, eat your heart out!

I brought it into work one morning, but it didn't impress 'da guys' I work with. Actually they had a good laugh about it - they couldn't keep a straight face about a 'whip for milk'. :-)

This is the first time that I've worked at home at my new job. I have a lot of meetings during the week (which means normally I need to be in the office), but today I didn't have any meetings, so I asked my manager if I could work from home today, and here I am!

Since it's FRIDAY, that makes it even better!

I have another whole HOUR to have breakfast, read the paper with Charlie, and get ready to come back here to the computer and work from home.

Home Home Home.... AAAAhhhhh.... That is a totally delicious thought.

YES, I have my blogging fuzzy slippers on, and that should provide an extra measure of good luck today.

TTFN and try not to be too jealous of me!

I am soooo jealous! I wish I could work from home...but then people would have to come here to get their feet checked...won't work too well I guess!! Hope you enjoyed your day in your fuzzy slippers!
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