Monday, November 20, 2006
Day 273 - The Monday Before Turk-age

Yes, it's Monday but it's a short week and the food fests continue. A short week and a fattening one.
Charlie has another potluck at work today, and I have another one tomorrow. Goodness gracious! (I typed gracias at first).
Today's photo (and I should have cleared all the materials off the table before I took it) is the basket I just finished making to present to our director who is leaving the company.
It has a chocolate/coffee/dogs theme with starbucks coffee, biscotti, all types of chocolate, one jar of strawberry jam, (you can't see it but it's in there), a candy dish, a coffee mug, and whatever else I could throw in there.
It's wrapped now so you can't 'see inside' it quite as well. I know everyone will love it, a bunch of us went in together at work to get stuff for it, and one lady donated the basket itself.
I did get my swim in yesterday (Hooray!), and went out to lunch with my buddy Joe, and did a little shopping (got one present for my son and a bunch for myself).
Consider it...
Is that the way YOU Christmas shop? One present for someone, one for me. Another present for someone, TWO for me. Another present for someone, THREE for me. Hmmmm.
Continuing my free-association...
Do you consider a 'present' to yourself something like splurging on $3.50 Secret soft solid deodorant with Oil of Olay because you hate the regular solid, even though the soft solid costs more and doesn't last as long? I do.
Tonight is our weekly adventure to Cracker Barrel with our friends. Will I go for the extra .99 for a baked potato tonight when it is MY turn to pay? Tune in tomorrow to find out.
And now, a word from our sponsor. (Roll sound clip of turkey gobbling). TTFN!
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At the Congregational Church Christmas fair on Sat. I bought 2 beautiful pillows, one with cardinals, one with goldfinches that match my living room sofa, $10. each. Unbelievable price and yes, all for me, me, me! Remember when little Timmy used to say "Me, Me, Me"? Yes, I believe in some Christmas shopping for ourselves. Karen I think you'll pay 99 cents extra for a baked potato!
I say yes to the baked potato too!!! Haha! Dr. had a surgery today, so no more patients till 3:15...yay! Time for me to read da blog! Gonna brave the supermarket quickly tonight to pick up some last minute holiday yummies....It's so cold outside I really would rather not, but gotta go!!!!!!
Happy Monday! Gobble Gobble...
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Happy Monday! Gobble Gobble...
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