Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Day 226 - Put Your Best Foot Forward

Greetings, Bloggy Heel-Toe-ers and High Steppers!

Midweek already! We're well on the way to the Weekend!

I dreamed last night that I had to go to the doctor. (The doctor I went to was our old pediatrition, Dr. Marks, who has long since passed away!)

I had a cluster of little holes on the bottom of one heel. What is that condition called? Sieve-foot? Pincushion-itis?

The image at left is a reflexology map of pressure points in the foot. Isn't that interesting? Looks like my problem may actually be in my pelvis, eh? No comments, please.

Doc Bloggy - What do YOU think?

Well, Karen, what I think isn't important. It's how you feel about your dreams that is significant.

But I am not a physician, so if you have gross, disgusting heels in your dreams I can't do anything but talk to you about it. That'll be $150, please.

Phobia of the day: Logophobia
Logophobia - The Fear of words.

That is a perfect word to alter to 'Blogophobia - Fear of words on blogs!'

I'll shudder each time I write a word now. (Not!)

Well (eek!) I (eek!) guess (eek!) I'll (eek!) close (eek!) for (eek!) now (eek!) TTFN! (eek!)

Afterthought - I had my 90-day review at my new job yesterday. All good stuff, no bad! ;-)

BLAM! I'm outta here!

Of course there was no bad stuff on your review! You're the best!!
I like today's fear...NOT a good one for a blogger to have! I especially like your dream since it involved feet! Hahaha!
I'm sick again...feels more like a flu this time than a cold. That's what happens when you work in a doctor's office!! Oh, and Melora Allen is in a Nursing home now...found out yesterday. Thought you might want to know! I'm going to visit her as soon as I'm better!
Heather - thanks for the news and I'm sorry you're still sick! Get well! xxx-ooo
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