Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Day 219 - Random Acts of Bloggyness

Greetings, Bloggy Darlings!

This day has started off nicely - I hit my thumb reaching for the toothpaste (in my groggy pre-coffee-infused morning condition), then stubbed my toe soon afterward.

Guess I didn't get my full, restful sleep last night, did I?

(Sounds like it's Bump day vs. Hump Day - guffaw, guffaw!)

Dreamland update:

I made a shrimp stir fry for dinner last night, so naturally I dreamed of TWO separate incidents involving Chinese food.

'Dreamlet' #1: My son and his friend had gone to some kind of Chinese late night diner place, and came back with Chinese food that looked and tasted awful, but served in these huge aluminum bowls that looked remarkably like dog food bowls. ;-) Funny coincidence.

'Dreamlet' #2: Someone asked me if I wanted to go get some nice spicy Szcheuan food. If you know me I am a spicy food wimp - can't do it. I had to say 'No, thanks'.

I also dreamed about driving in a place I didn't know, and I realized I wasn't even ON the road, I was paralleling it, so I sped up and got in front of everyone on the real road. Sounds like good Nashville driving practice to me!

Blogcabulary Word of the Day:BLORGUE

Blorgue: Any place, as a room or file, where records, information, or graphical objects related to deceased or departed blogs are kept for unexpected but possible future use. (aka Bloggy Morgue)

I removed the first photo I chose, and I won't go into detail why...

Don't look for morgue photos on the internet unless you can take what comes up. Eeeew!

Gotta go rock and roll! Have a nice Wednesday! BLAM! I'm outta here!

After your experience searching for "passion fruit jelly", I'd have thought you would be more careful :)
Wow! A comment from Joe! But I HAVE to search for stuff on the internet so I can have pix for 'da blog'! ;-)
Karen, you must have inherited those WASP intestines from me. Once when I worked in Fall River we went out for lunch at a Portuguese restaurant--real Portuguese food, even the cod fish was salted and spicy, and after lunch I had to leave work for the day, my intestines were such a mess (no pun intended!)
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