Saturday, September 16, 2006
Day 208 - I Hear You Knockin', But You Can't Come In

I didn't take the time to blog this morning - after breakfast I got ready and went out the door to go swim. I swam in the indoor pool at my 'old' health club today, then went to the outdoor pool for a few minutes to dry off in the sunshine. I was the only one at the outdoor pool.
A funny story from indoors poolside... I'd been there about a half hour and some teens came in, probably a youth group from a school or church.
Like most teenagers - they spent their first few minutes clustered together, mostly with sulky looks on their faces and looking suspiciously at the water.
Then one girl decided she would go and change into her swimsuit, which she was holding in her hand.
First - please note that her swimsuit wouldn't have made a decent handkerchief for me. I don't see how you could call that bit of cloth a swimsuit, and don't you even think my swimsuit could fit in my HAND.
Next, she totally ignored the big sign on the equipment room closet that says 'Hotel Staff Only', and stood in front of the door, knocking on it occasionally, assuming (wrongly) it was where you go to change. I got impatient before she did. I called out to her - 'The dressing room is in the next room, where the bathroom and lockers are. THAT is a CLOSET'. 'Oh, thank you!' she said.
'DUH, read the SIGN', I thought. Anyway - one by one, the girls got changed. One changed into her suit but stayed out of the water. She pulled a chair up right NEXT to the pool, where she sat and sulked with her arms crossed. The one boy present tried to encourage her to go in, but she looked daggers at him and he went to change to get in the water himself.
After I left, I hit the Summer Clearance Sale at Sears, and got a ton of clothes and two new swimsuits. Maybe I'll take a photo of 'my expedition' for tomorrow's blog.
After that, I stopped at the consignment shop to see if they had sold any more of my clothes. They hadn't, but I managed to find a couple things to buy in there too. ;-)
After that, I went through the drive thru to get more moola.

My cashier was a young guy, and the bagger was a young guy too.
They engaged me in 'young guy' conversation...
'Hey!', one young man asked... 'You gonna watch some football this afternoon?' 'No!' I exclaimed in an 'over my dead body' tone...
So they tried a new tactic... 'You gonna go home and sleep?' 'No!' I exclaimed again, in the same tone of voice. (What, did I look dead on my feet or something?)
They were perplexed -if THEY had some time off they'd either be watching football or sleeping, I imagine...
So I offered 'I'm going to go home and unload all the stuff I bought at the mall today.' That perked them up again. 'Whaddya buy?' they asked. 'Clothes', I answered. 'For yourself or someone else?' they asked. 'For myself!' I replied.
I made a quick exit from the store and came home, where Charlie and Joe were WATCHING FOOTBALL!
Charlie and Joe brought back corn and sweet potatoes from Amish country - can't wait for dinner! TTFN!
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Hi Mamma! Got your message...we were taking in a snooze before a long night at our friends wedding! Should be fun. We're leaving in a couple minutes...they expect 300 people or MORE!! Holy CRAP that's a lot of people!!!! Tony was laughing at your message and the silly 'boys' questions...cute!!
I have a birthday party tomorrow afternoon, but will be home until around 1:30 if ya wanna call!
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I have a birthday party tomorrow afternoon, but will be home until around 1:30 if ya wanna call!
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