Thursday, September 14, 2006


Day 206 - Survivor Night Returns!

Greetings, Bloggy Reality-TV fans, and those who tolerate the ones who watch it!

A new season of Survivor begins tonight. Charlie and I have always enjoyed the show, even when we didn't care much for the selection of individuals on it!

We are already sorry that it's only on for an hour tonight instead of two. For heavens sake, they have a zillion hours of footage and all we get is a bloody hour? Get 'real'! ;-)

I assume they deliberately choose some personalities who they know will annoy the other survivor cast members. They also seem to prefer women with implants. ;-)

Changing subjects...

Enough of Survivor - let's gossip about my man LEGOLAS for a minute, since everyone else is, of course...

The rumor mill says he's broken up with his former girlfriend and started seeing Uma Thurman (of Kill Bill fame).

What a shame...

Evidently Orlando Bloom doesn't mind being a boy toy for OLDER WOMEN...

Ladies, there's hope for us yet!

Gee - it's getting late - it took forever to upload that photo and I need to get ready for WORK.

Speaking of work, I had my first dream about my NEW job - we had interviewed someone the other day, and I dreamed they hired him but he looked completely different than the person we interviewed. Such are dreams, eh?

Have a great Thursday! (roll sound clip of Survivor chant music...)

Well good grief, not a single comment! My heart is broken. ;-)
Hey, you didn't give me time!! I'm a busy woman ya know!!! Better make your move on the little blondie while he's still in somewhat single mode!!! Love you!
Busy for sure, judging by the timestamp on your comment! You need sleep! xxx
As I discovered last night, settling down to pasta and wine to watch Survivor, like an idiot I had taped Survivor an hour earlier and got Judge Judy instead! Is it on again some other time -- Karen I don't suppose you TAPED it? Ray is also a Survivor fan. Did you have quesadillas?
Yes, I always need sleep...and I never can. The time stamp was correct..hehe! xoxoxo
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