Friday, September 08, 2006


Day 200 - I Must Post Something for Day 200

Greetings, Bloggy Darlings! Happy Day 200! That is a pretty big number! Two hundred 'anythings' ago sound like a lot of 'anythings'.

I have returned to the hot, humid arms of Tennessee. Charlie beat me home - he didn't have frequent flyer miles so he could take the shorter, more direct route from the Providence airport.

Amazing news! I actually caught an earlier flight from Boston to Chicago, then from Chicago to Nashville by going stand-by. Worked out well this time, I wasn't stranded anywhere. Thank you, American Airlines!

So, my big travel story was the short period of time I spent in downtown Providence catching the Logan Airport bus. Let me tell you who uses public bus transportation there - students, elderly, disabled, psychotic, and the poor and destitute.

I heard a girl chatting about being locked up in a psych ward for 6 weeks, tied hand and foot. I witnessed a fight at the bus terminal that ended up with both parties carted off in separate police cars. The fight started about 3 feet from where I was standing, and as soon as one guy raised his voice I knew they were going to get into it, and calmly walked to a better spot. I believe it started when one guy accused another guy of stealing something from a girl. The 'Big Guy', who was the accuser sucker punched the other guy (the thief) and knocked him down - causing him to drop his razor blade knife. The other guy didn't fight back, by the way.

I could hear a girl yelling to one of them in the police car - 'What'd they GET you for? What'd they GET you for?' Nice city, huh? I am reminded I used to go through there every day taking the bus to high school. I like to think things were different then. ;-)

Does this blog entry sound depressing? I don't mean for it to, it's just the truth.

Anyhow - I'm back and it was warmer at 6:30pm (84 degrees) in Nashville than it has been during my entire 2 week vacation in New England!

More tomorrow and maybe I'll get my pictures downloaded. TTFN!

Did you bring back the recipe for American Chop Suey? I want it.

xxx ooo
Oh Joe, you missed me - or my cooking. Gush gush gush...
And I will get the recipe for 'macaroni and tomato' as my mother calls it (the rest of the world calls it American Chop Suey) and post it for you.
"causing him drop to his razor blade knife"
A little tired Mamma?? You're writing your words backwards! Haha!! Glad you got home okay..especially after hanging out at the scary bus stop! Had a nice time...wish we could've made it to Newport..NEXT year for sure!
Love you!!!!!
Eeek! A typo! I'll fix it! Thanks for the catch. xxx
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