Monday, August 28, 2006
Day 189 - Legolas Greenleaf, Where Art Thou?

I don't like Mondays but I make an exception when I'm on vacation. I guess I ought to be on vacation in Redondo Beach right now! ;-)
It's not fair - I get to see Orlando Bloom playing the same character in the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie, but I'll never get to see him as Legolas again. Not fair. Legolas, Legolas, Where art thou?
Life isn't fair, Karen. You watched too many bloody Disney movies and they fried your feeble brain. Thanks, Evil Bloggyman.
It could be done - how about 'Legolas Returns', 'Son of Legolas', 'Tarzan meets Legolas', or 'Legolas vs. Predator'? I could write the screenplay for any of those.
Charlie isn't jealous of Legolas. After all - Legolas is thousands of years old, unemployed, and wears tights and a wig. (I sigh....)
Picture Legolas, deftly and lightly walking on top of the snow with no coat. I slog along, huffing and puffing behind him with enough clothes on to be mistaken for a bear, half buried but making a herioc effort to look cute. (I'm laughing now). Perfect image...
You have a nice Monday and let me know if we should petition for a new Legolas movie!
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I don't know Mamma, not sure if your hormones can TAKE another Legolas's been HOW LONG and you haven't stopped drooling yet?? Hmmmmmmmm, could be too dangerous!!
I'll be the first one to sign your petition! A day without Legolas is like a day without sunshine..........sigh........
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