Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Day 183 - Rockin' Lobster, Dude!

Let's get 'cracking' this morning!
I am practically DREAMING about Lobster before my trip.
Lobster and Haddock Chowder. YUM-O!
This picture is of one cooler full of lobsters at our family 4th of July festivities. (We had multiple coolers full of lobster). More YUM-O!
You can get lobster right now in Maine for as little as $5.99/lb, compared to $13/lb here in Tennessee.
A highlight of my vacation is also going to be a trip to the Nordic Lodge in Rhode Island, a gourmet buffet that includes all-you-can-eat lobster, clams, shrimp, filet mignon, and prime rib. Yes, the old diet is going to suffer that day, I can tell you!
I'm running a little late this morning (I took time to make a CD for my mother of my 4th of July pictures, and I need to mail one of these to Aunt Nancy, too. Sorry, Nancy! I'll get to it!)
so I'll give you a link to the Nordic Lodge website.
If you like seafood and if you want 'the best of the best' in quality, go there when you are in New England.
Their website isn't the greatest, but check out the photos and the menu listing.
Well, I have to rock-lobster and roll. Have fun daydreaming of lobsters today! TTFN!
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OK rub it in. I have no more Maine trips this year. Karen, wouldn't people want to see the lobsters in the boiling water?
Remember that 'Mike Myers' character that says 'GET IN MY BELLY!' - that's how I feel right now about the 'slobbies'.
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