Thursday, July 27, 2006


Day 157 - Aggravating Moments to Forget

Greetings, Bloggy Grouches!

I'm really NOT grouchy, but here I am blogging for the first time today because Blogger wouldn't even let me log in this morning. Grrrr...

Also, what IS IT with all these people who zone off the planet when they're at a red light, and then forget to DRIVE when it turns green? I don't wait very long anymore, I mash the horn gladly.

Tonight I went swimming after work at the outdoor pool at the Rec Center. It closes at 6 but that was a long enough swim. There was a kid in the pool who said 'EW' a MILLION times because there were leaves in the pool. If I were blind, I could have found that kid anywhere because the only words he spoke were 'EEEW' and 'Mama Mia'. OH PUH-LEASE.

I'm going to go eat dinner now, and I have some egg rolls cooking in the oven for a side item.

A "cranky pants" day for sure!
Sorry you had such a bad blogging day!!! I'm off to bed, but wanted to say goodnight first. Hope tomorrow is better.
Love you!!
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