Saturday, June 24, 2006
Day 124 - Cardboard for Breakfast and Opryland Hotel for Lunch

Happy Saturday!
We've just finished a less-than-exciting breakfast experience. *sigh* We tried Turkey Bacon for the first and last time.
Charlie was especially 'repelled' by it's dry and chewy texture, likening it to cardboard. Oops. I thought it a bit more like leaves. ;-)
Thanks to Kell in Germany for this photo, and here is what she wrote about Turkey Bacon:
A Note on Turkey Bacon...
It's great and all, but I feel like hanging it up in a first grade classroom as bulletin board border...
I don't think the tacks would even go into it to hold up the border! ;-)
Quote of the Day:
I feel like such a heifer. I had two bowls of Special K, 3 pieces of turkey bacon, a handful of popcorn, 5 peanut butter M&M's and like 3 pieces of licorice.
Alicia Silverstone as Cher in 'Clueless'
Enough about that! Onward and upward to more interesting chatter...
I haven't mentioned yet that we went on a sightseeing tour to the Opryland Hotel last weekend when we had company. The parking cost $10 plus tax, but I always think it is worth it, and if you eat there in one of the restaurants they will validate your parking ticket so it's free.

Tropical plants, waterfalls, and quiet walkways abound, all indoors.
The scenery is divided into 'areas', and you can pass from one area into another and find a new and different theme to each area.
We entered the Hotel in the Cascades area. The 'Cascade' refers to a huge INDOOR waterfall that cascades down one side.
There are two restaurants within the Cascades area - one is a revolving lounge area (pictured above), and the other is appropriately named the 'Cascades Restaurant'. I usually try to take people there to dine on their wonderful she-crab soup. I have dined there with friends and family many times.
Tiff - weren't you the one who originally took me there for the crab soup?
From the Cascades, you go through another HUGE atrium called the 'Cascades Walkway' area. A huge central walkway takes you above gardens, pools and a gazebo.

It is just breathtaking anytime of the year, but exceptionally decorated at Christmastime.
Hotel rooms line one wall, with balconies overlooking the gardens.
Restaurants line the opposite side of the room.

There is a man-made circular river that runs through it's gigantic atrium, with a New Orleans theme, shops and restaurants. 'Riverboats' take visitors on rides through the 'Delta' area.
My favorite feature of the Delta area is a Fountain show that features music and choreographed jets of water that rise and fall in time to the music.
It is both relaxing and entertaining at the same time. Words cannot do it justice.
Each half hour (or more often), a special geyser goes off in the center of the fountain, reaching up STORIES high.
My photo again can't do it justice because the geyser is so huge it can't fit in one shot, but please note that this amazing geyser is reaching many floors high toward the beautiful domed ceiling. SPECTACULAR!!!!!
Well, I must run because Charlie is waiting and we're going to go do some shopping. TTFN!
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Oh no!! Phil, where is YOUR blog???
On opryland hotel, the place IS amazing, but I didn't get any crab soup??!!! Where is mine!!!!
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On opryland hotel, the place IS amazing, but I didn't get any crab soup??!!! Where is mine!!!!
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