Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Day 113 - Little Miss-Management

I *think* you're my bloggy buddies but I might not remember.
I was going to post a picture of my overfull coffee cup this morning, but I can't find the camera. Just pretend.
I was going to post a picture of the zucchini Charlie harvested from the garden yesterday, but I can't find the camera. Just pretend.
It's not driving me crazy yet, but if I find that camera in the pantry or something, that will be embarrassing.
Let's do some catch-up. I have spent so much time talking about birds and swimming that I haven't really kept you up to date with what's going on in 'the business space'.
Job Hunt Update - I posted my resume on one of those internet job websites yesterday, and instantly got bombarded with several requests for work out of state. Sorry, folks, I ain't a-goin'. I did get a local call from a recruiter about a job nearby that I'll follow up on today.
Training Update - I am set up on the NEW e-learning software system now (remember I got grant money to get some skills update self-paced online training?) I have completed one course and am almost done with another (I have a 45 minute lab to do and then it's done).
NO I am not sitting at home twiddling my thumbs while I am not working, despite what you may believe. AND when I'm NOT busy, I'm reading. ;-)
I have finished reading the Chronicles of Chrestomanci Volume I, and the first book in the Witches of Eileanan series. That's about 700 pages in the last couple of days. I love to read.
EUREKA! The camera is found!
Charlie helped me find it - it was in my swim bag because I'd taken pictures of the outdoor pool the other day. Yahoo! Mystery solved.
I just put a picture of the OUTDOOR pool at the top of this blog. It is just lovely, though the picture looks a bit dark.

I still can't give you a photo of my overfull coffee cup (I need a bigger cup because I like ONE cup in the morning) because half of it's gone now.
We haven't had any rain, so the garden is looking peaked.
The deer and rabbits are having a great time eating the peas and bean plants.
Charlie did bring in some zucchini yesterday and one tomato. This picture is missing one zucchini because we ate it last night in a stir fry.
Good job, Charlie! My friend DW LOVES zucchini, so I'll try to remember to bring her some.
That's enough for now - I'm going to go do that lab before I go swim. Wish me luck! TTFN!
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Karen, We know 2 people who haven't been able to even plant their gardens because the dirt is the consistency of mud from all the rain. And that's the truth. And yes, your vegetables look beautiful! It finally warmed up to 70 with sun yesterday and 78 today. While you had 93 and 95, we had 60 and rain (again) on graduation day, Sat, June 11! We still enjoyed the weekend with family and friends, and Nina's graduation cookout Sun included boiled lobster, and grilled teriaki chicken, and of course potato salad made with red bliss potatoes. I sent Heather and Tony an email sympathy note re: Fred, the beautiful white cat. Very sad.
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