Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Day 92 - Back to Reality

I guess it's back to 'random acts of blogginess' now that I've ridden the vacation train long enough.
Ok, I admit it. I'm a failure...
At mouse catching. ;-)
I bought two mouse cubes and some glue traps. NOTHING so far. That is so aggravating! I want that mouse gone! (She says, stamping her feet while marching in a circle) ;-)
I take any lunch-box food and chips and things off the counter each night before bed and put them inside the above-the-stove microwave and close the door. That's my 'safe house'.
Patience, grasshopper Karen. Good things come to those who WAIT. So, WAIT. (*sigh*)
Quote of the day:
'The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.' Tolstoy
Changing subjects:
Charlie and I met an old friend from Florida - a 'computer users group acquaintance' last night for Happy Hour and dinner at 'Dave & Busters'. Plug for them - Monday thru Friday they have Happy Hour from 4:30 to 7. The restaurant that was there before D&B - Jillians - never seemed to have happy hour prices.
We haven't seen this friend in about 10 years, but he hasn't changed very much. He is here in Nashville with some other folks for a training class. He has a dry sense of humor. He is also rarely on time, and he arrived maybe 15 minutes late, not too bad.
Our waitress teased him when he and his friend arrived. 'You're late', she said. He sat down in the booth and said 'I can go home and be harassed by my wife, I don't need YOU to pick on me too'. ;-)
He told us this joke:
A man who is balding on the front of his head is a good lover.
A man who is balding on the back of his head is a good thinker.
A man who is completely bald thinks he's a good lover. ;-)
(insert sound clip of guffaws from the audience here)
A third guy arrived who was also part of their training class. Aside from introductions or ordering drinks, Charlie and I only heard him speak when he was doing magic tricks for us or the wait-staff. He was very good at card magic tricks.
My guess is that aside from the magic tricks, he doesn't have much personality. That's the way it is with computer folks sometimes. ;-) NO, NOT ME of course!
Well, I think I'll call it a wrap for now. If anything interesting happens LIKE CATCHING THE MOUSE, I'll be sure to post it!
Afterthought! I forgot to tell you about my 'snippet of dream' I remembered when I woke up this morning.
Typical children's book opening:
There was a girls boarding school or orphanage on a hillside in Austria. It was winter.
There was a frozen pond below the hillside.
The girls would file outside with huge umbrellas. They would open the umbrellas and float down to the frozen pond.
The wind would carry them sliding across the frozen pond like a sail until they reached the other side.
The girls enjoyed it, but if they sat down in the process they would end up pretty wet and laughing.
Ok, dream-analysts out there - what on earth did THAT dream mean? That I got Mary Poppins and the Happy Orphelines mixed up?
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Karen, Nice dream, but how did the girls get back up to their house? I didn't get to watch that much of the Country Music Awards but enjoyed what I did watch. Competition from American Idol (I want Katherine), and from the Red Sox/Yankees game (we lost 7-5, but won the night before 9-5!)
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